
1874 - Dvorak's 3rd and 4th Symphonies are premiered in Prague. Dvorak wins the Austrian State Prize for music composition.

1876 - Dvorak wins a second Austrian State Prize and resigns his position as an organist to become a full time composer.

1877 - Dvorak wins a third Austrian State Prize and comes to the attention of Johannes Brahms.

1878 - Brahms refers Dvorak to his publisher Simrock, who publishes Dvorak's Moravian Duets and Slavonic Dances giving him his first international successes.

1879 - Premiere of Symphony 5 in Prague

1881 - Premiere of Symphony 6 in Prague

1883 - Premiere of Violin Concerto in Prague

1888 - Premiere of Piano Quintet Op 81 in Prague

1890 - Premiere of Symphony 8 in Prague